The Jefferson County Fire Marshal and the Jefferson County Fire Chiefs are tasked with instilling safeguards against hazards to life, safety and property from the dangerous conditions associated with fire, protect citizens, firefighters, emergency responders and private property.
When the fire danger is "high", fires can start easily from most causes and small fuels (such as grasses and needles) will ignite readily. Unattended campfires and brush fires are likely to escape. Fires will spread easily, with some areas of high-intensity burning on slopes or concentrated fuels. Fires can become serious and difficult to control unless they are put out while they are still small.
No person shall operate or use any device liable to start or cause fire in or upon a “high” fire hazard. Restricted Open Flame Devices. No Wood, Charcoal Cooking Fires (BBQ). Tiki Torches. Liquid Fuel Candles or Lanterns. Gas or Propane Fired Weed Burners. Discharge of Fireworks of Any Type. Discharge of Fire Arms (Open Lands) - Undeveloped Lands of Jefferson County. Only Gas or Propane Fueled Appliances. - Enclosed Flame Only. (Example: – UL listed Wood Pellet Fed or Propane Barbeque Grills, Smokers.) Charcoal Grills are allowed at a place of residence only.
Prohibited devices/ activities: Fireworks, charcoal grills, exploding targets, incendiary ammunition, firearm discharge on unimproved county lands, tiki style torches, no open flame
Below is a QR code to the Jefferson County Fire Marshals office official statement.
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